Guest post by Candace of Naturally Educational
Making mini Jack O’ Lantern Votives out of baby food jars has become a family tradition. This year, I thought we would shake things up a bit and make a Frankenstein Monster and a Ghost out of jars of varying sizes.
Working with kids is always a little unpredictable. My daughter was not interested in Frankenstein or a Ghost–she wanted to make a “Rainbow Monster”. So, she made a rainbow monster while I made Frank.
- one glass jar (we use jam, baby food, pasta sauce jars–whatever we have around; just make sure your tea light will fit in the jar)
- cut-out squares of appropriate color tissue paper (greens for Frankenstein, orange and green for a Jack O’ Lantern, white for a ghost)
- black construction paper
- inexpensive white school glue mixed with a little water
- scissors
- paintbrush or spounge
- tea light

My daughter decided at this point to make a “frowny-face Jack O’ Lantern”, which is also in the photograph.
Let dry, add a votive, and light up the night!
Candace Lindemann is an educational consultant, recognized expert on topics in education, a published children’s writer, an active community volunteer, and a happily married mom of three children, ages 5, 3, and newborn. She shares educational crafts and activities for kids and ideas in education at With her co-editor at, Candace also founded to promote social media philanthropy.
My daughter and I just made this. It turned out really really cute.
Super cute idea! We have done a similar craft/gift for Spring and Mother’s day, decorating those tall white religious candles you find in the ethnic food aisle at the grocery store, with tissue paper, using shapes cut from a die cut (flowers etc.), but I really love the reusing of the jars and the Halloween theme. I guess you could do an elf and snowman and such for Christmas.
These are so cool. I don’t have kids and I want to try this; I wonder if I can get my boyfriend to go along with me.
Those are so cute! They look pretty easy to make too. Thanks for the post.
Those are absolutely adorable!
great halloween craft idea! love it.
I am going to have to try that one- such a great idea!