For the Home

Cropped Artwork – Displaying Abstract Pieces

I love the look of abstract art. After working on the gallery wall for my bedroom, I had an idea. An idea that I’ve used in some of my work in the past and that I’ve seen in the work of my friend, Annie. It’s like a peek-a-boo for abstract art – for your own or your child’s creations. This is such an easy art project to try. Let’s get going!

cropped artwork tutorial


cropped artwork tutorial supplies

Supplies for Abstract Art:

  • watercolor
  • brushes
  • watercolor paper
  • colorful cardstock
  • Xacto knife
  • cutting mat
  • pencil
  • sewing machine (optional)
  • bulldog clips (optional)

You don’t have to make artwork from scratch, you can always find interesting wallpaper, prints or old artwork.

cropped artwork tutorial

Paint your artwork. Or find some awesome artwork from around the house.

cropped artwork tutorial

Cut out your cover paper to smaller than the artwork. Then triangles or any shape you like. Triangles are really easily cut with an Xacto knife.

cropped artwork tutorial

Place the paper on top of the artwork and adjust the position as needed.

abstract art

Mark where the top paper is to go, and cut out your watercolor.

cropped artwork

Sew the two together and display with bulldog clips. Danae of Gather & Hunt showed me this cool trip of holding up unframed artwork. Brillant on her part, right?

unframed artwork


Here are some more great ways to display children’s artwork: Pinterest boardHouzz

Happy crafting!

Want more abstract art ideas? Try these projects:



  1. You definitely need to read Micheals Halls two picture books My heart is like a zoo and The Perfect Squarre. Both are about transforming shapes into animals or objects. There are only video previews of both.

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