Let the Winter Olympic Crafts and Games begin! Come celebrate the winter games with these 7 ideas for sporty crafts, games, and activities in an Olympic craft series. You’ll be bobsledding, skating, and snowboarding right along with the athletes! Host a party and start cheering on your favorite sports!

Winter Olympic Crafts and Games for Kids
1. Lighting Ice Cream Cone Torches – Start off the games by making sugar cones filled with orange sherbet flames, it’s the perfect treat to get us off on the right foot! However, these torches won’t be lit for the duration of the games, as they will be extinguished within minutes!
2. Olympic Ring Hoop Loop – Toss crafty ‘Olympic” hoops through the air to loop them around a large bottle! If you get all 5 around, from a distance of 3-4 feet, then you win the GOLD!
3. Miniature Ice Skating Rink – We added tinfoil ice skates to cute little pipe cleaner figurines to skate around our crafty rink. Our figure skaters are ready for their performance! I hope the judges will give them good marks!
4. Snowball Ring Toss – Try your hand at tossing mini marshmallow snowballs into pipe cleaner Olympic rings! See who can get the most inside each color!
5. Snowboard Half Pipe – Pipe cleaner snowboarders are shredding the half-pipe for our own mini Olympic games!
6. Downhill Bobsled Race – We crafted a bobsled track out of a large wrapping paper tube and racing our team’s cars down the track! This would be fun to craft for the luge event as well. Maybe have a small figurine slide down the paper tube track and see how fast they go.
7. Tasty Treats at the Medal’s Ceremony – Tasty chocolate medals and donuts on a string are making for a delicious medal’s ceremony for the winners of our creative Olympic events! Celebrate your success!
Keep up the Olympic fun by crocheting a set of these super simple and fun Crochet Olympic Rings! They are so fun to make!