For the Home

Make a Beautiful DIY Porch Sign

Make your front porch one of a kind with some of our fun tutorials like our concrete and wood planter, a hand-painted door mat, and an evergreen wreath. Then, grab our instructions below to make a DIY porch sign that everyone will love.

A hand painted diy welcome to our porch sign on white oak with flowers on it

Homes are so ‘friendly and approachable’ these days. We’ve gone front wreaths on the front door to so many people having large welcome signs next to their front door. I tend to be a little ‘extra’ though so decided to paint our own welcome sign that would be more of an art piece on our porch.

This DIY project is easier to do than it looks and you don’t need a great big piece of white oak like we used, you can paint any piece of wood, or turn your current porch sign around and paint on the back of it. This works particularly well if you have holiday-specific signs because then you can just flip them. That was actually supposed to be what I used, but little did I realize that our cellar had flooded in a recent storm and my Christmas porch sign was completely ruined. This forced me to dig around in the garage to see what else I could use. I found a beautiful piece of white oak in a corner. It turned out to be a piece that Mike’s dad had given to him before he passed away. That made this porch sign even more special because now we will think of him whenever we are porch-sitting.

DIY porch sign


  • Wood slice – I used white oak, but use whatever you want
  • Good quality paint – I used sample pots from the hardware store
  • Sealer
  • Pencil
  • Paintbrushes – you will need very fine to thick


Stand your wood slice up on your porch before you get started to ensure that it’s level and the height you want. We actually realized ours wasn’t level at all and we had to cut a piece off it before painting.

white oak wood slice being used as a porch sign

Sketch out a basic design on a piece of paper so that you can work out where everything will go.

You will need to paint the box for your wording first and then create your design around it.

a black box painted on a piece of white oak to make a porch sign

Use a pencil to sketch out your design on the wood slice. I started with the flowers and then added the stems and leaves.

Here’s my second tip: I’m terrible at freehand drawing, so I found images of sketched flowers on PicMonkey and used those as my inspiration.

flowers sketched onto a wood slice

Once you have your design sketched begin painting. You will find that as you paint, you will begin to add more detail and more design.

white flowers painted on wood

Add fine details to your art, but remember, don’t paint until you’ve sketched those details first.

white flowers with black detail and green leaves painted on wood

Once you have finished painting your design, you will need to paint your welcome sign. I typed up how I wanted it to look, and then used that to sketch and then paint the final sign.

a diy welcome to our porch sign

Once I was done painting the wording I realized there was a lot of space around the black square that needed to be filled in with a little color so I added more leaves. It looked a little bland though so incorporated Australian wattle. As I was tweaking the design I ended up adding light grey to each of the white flowers too.

a hand painted welcome to our porch sign

What would you paint on your own DIY porch sign?

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