If there’s one blog I can remember reading as probably one of the first I ever laid eyes on years ago, it’s Wise Craft. Blair Stocker is the author of this amazingly authentic and creative blog, always creating art and craft from the heart. Well, she’s come out with her first book and it’s right in line with her style – Wise Craft: Turning Thrift Store Finds, Fabric Scraps, and Natural Objects Into Stuff You Love!
I’ve been able to meet Blair and have become good friends, as we both live in Seattle (so many reasons to love this city). We’ve spoken on panels together, attended events, and we’ve met up for dinner to talk blogging and crafting. She’s the best.
I’m thrilled for her new book, it has everything you need to turn your extra scraps and knick-knacks into something fabulous. You know I love crochet, so this project below for a modern crocheted doily will be my first to try!
For a little more fun, join the #wisecrafthandmade pinterest (and beyond) contest! See Wise Craft for the full rules on how to enter! Make a project from the book, take a pretty picture, and upload it to pinterest with the tag #wisecrafthandmade to show everyone how amazing you are!
Go buy the book and have fun as you craft handmade, turning thrift store finds, fabric scraps, and natural objects into stuff you love!