
Holiday ABC Series: V is for Vintage

Our Christmas tree is filled with ornaments from when my husband and I grew up. I’m not sure how old something is to be considered “vintage”, but for our letter V, I’m showcasing some of our favorite vintage-style holiday items for our Holiday ABC series.

My mother-in-law, who you can visit over at Jani Serendipity, is great about picking the perfect ornaments. All the Santa ornaments came from her above, Jordan’s from growing up. Below, this darling vintage ball, is from 1977, Jordan’s first ornament. I love it, it’s my favorite!

We’ve carried on this tradition of buying ornaments each year for our kids. And soon, their childhood ornaments will become “vintage” as they keep them year after year and hang them on their tree. It’s been such a fun tradition.

We also collect holiday books and recently Jani gave us this book from her childhood, The Christmas Book for Girls and Boys. It even has the dedication in it. Precious!

I’m sure you’ve saved things from growing up! What are some of your favorite vintage holiday items?


  1. I have that same 1977 Christmas Ball. My mom did the same thing and I’m hoping to start the tradition with my kids.

  2. I have to tell you how happy I am that you’re carrying on this tradition! I love to look at the ornaments on our tree from my great-great grandmother’s tree from White Russia. Someday they will go to one of my children… maybe your tree, Marie!

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